“It has been decided that Postage Stamps are to be brought into use forthwith, and as it will be necessary that every such Stamp should be cancelled at the Post Office or Sub-Post Office where the Letter bearing the same be posted, I herewith forward, for your use, an Obliterating Stamp, with which you will efface the Postage Stamp upon every Letter despatched from your Office. Red Composition must be used for this purpose and I annex directions for making it, with an impression of the stamp.
As the stamps will come into operation by the 6th of May, I must desire you will not fail to provide yourself with the necessary supply of Red Composition by that time.
Directions for Preparing the Red Stamping Composition,
1 lb. Printer’s Red Ink. 1 Pint Linseed Oil. Half-pint of the Droppings of Sweet Oil.
To be well mixed”