Additional items not in display
[JI-JJ] plate 4 pair, cancelled with single Scottish black numeral (207 Kirkwall).
[RK-RL] pair, plate 79, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (242 Mauchline)
[PH-PI] pair, cancelled contrary to regulations with single Scottish black numeral (122 Dundee).
[TF-TG] plate 3, pair, cancelled contrary to regulations with single Scotish black numeral (11 Annan).
[LA-LD] strip of 4, cancelled contrary to regulations with two Scottish black numerals (186 Irvine).
[TJ-TK] pair, cancelled contrary to regulations with single Scottish black numeral (339 Wick).
[PA plate 106 and PH plate 108] on piece, cancelled contrary to regulations with single Scotish black numeral (186 Irvine).
[MC-MF] plate 148, strip of four, cancelled with two black Scottish numerals (339 Wick).
[LF-LG] pair on piece, cancelled contrary to regulations with single Scottish black numeral (221 Leith).
[BH-BI] plate 50, pair, cancelled contrary to regulations with single black Scottish numeral (131 Edinburgh).
[GC-GF] strip of 4, cancelled contrary to regulations with three Scottish black numerals (148 Fort William).
[MI-ML] plate 41, strip of 4, cancelled contrary to regulations with two Scottish black numerals (20 Arrochar).
[OB-OD] plate 4, strip of 3, cancelled contrary to regulations with two Scottish black numerals (1 Aberdeen).
[AJ-AL] plate 3, strip of 3, cancelled contrary to regulations with two Scottish black numerals (131 Edinburgh).
[MG-ML] plate 90, strip of 6, cancelled, contrary to regulations with 3 x black Scottish numerals (41 Biggar).
[DG-DK] plate 145, strip of five cancelled contrary to regulations with four black Scottish numerals (131 Edinburgh).
[QE-QG] plate 39, strip of three, cancelled contrary to regulations with two black Scottish numerlas (113 Dunfermline).
[DA-DB] plate 3, pair, cancelled contrary to regulations with single Scottish black numeral (131 Edinburgh).
[SG-SH] pair plate 4, Edinburgh to London dated 14 July 1853, cancelled, contrary to regulations, with a single black 131 numeral of Edinburgh.
[MB-ME] plate 3, strip of four, on wrapper from Edinburgh to Melrose dated 18 October 1846, cancelled contrary to regulations with three Scottish black numerals (131 Edinburgh).
[RB-RD] strip of three, plate 106, cancelled with two black Scottish numerals (159 Glasgow).
[QG-QI] plate 3, cancelled with two black Scottish numerals (339 Wick).
[SJ-TK] plate 95, block of four, cancelled with two black Scottish numerals (13 Arbroath).
[OG-OJ] plate 118, strip of 4, cancelled contrary to regulations with two Scottish black numerals (207 Kirkwall).
[NG-NI] strip of three, plate 4, from Leith to Edinburgh dated 28 May 1852, cancelled contrary to regulations with two black Scottish numerals (221 Leith).
[LF-LG] pair, plate 42, cancelled contrary to regulations with a single black Scottish numeral.
[SH-SI] pair, plate 51 , cancelled contrary to regulations with a single black Scottish numeral (131 Edinburgh).
[AG-AH] plate 113, pair, cancelled contrary to regulations with a single black Scottish numeral (159 Glasgow).
[KG-KH] pair, plate 4, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (131 Edinburgh).
[NB] plate 87 and [PH] plate 101, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (159 Glasgow) Contrary to Regulations
[DH-DI] pair, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (324 Thurso) Contrary to regulations
[KI-KL] plate 76, cancelled with three black Scottish numerals (235 Lochmaben) Contrary to regulations
[HJ-HL] pair, plate 49, from Dumfries to Edinburgh, dated 2 April 1845 cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (108 Dumfries) Contrary to Regulations
[CC-CF] strip of four, cancelled with three black Scottish numerals (242 Mauchline) Contrary to regulations
[EE-EH] strip of four, plate 92, cancelled with two black Scottish numerals (207 Kirkwall) Contrary to regulations
[JG-JH] pair, plate 4, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (131 Edinburgh) Contrary to regulations
[PE-PG] strip of three, plate 86, cancelled with two black Scottish numerals (339 Wick) Contrary to regulations
[LD-LF] plate 4 plus [FK], local Glasgow parliamentary notice, dated 1 December 1852, cancelled with three black Scottish numerals (159 Glasgow) Contrary to regulations
[MC-MD] pair, plate 3, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (131 Edinburgh) Contrary to regulations
[OI-OJ] pair, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (1 Aberdeen) Contrary to regulations
[MH-MK] strip of four, from Edinburgh to Newcastle, dated 31 August 1847, cancelled with two black Scottish numerals (131 Edinburgh) Contrary to regulations
[AF-AI] strip of four, plate 105, cancelled with three black Scottish numerals (110 Dumbarton) Contrary to regulations
[BG-BH] pair, plate 33, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (1 Aberdeen) Contrary to regulations
[LD-LE] plate 94, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (221 Leith) Contrary to regulations
[DI-DL] strip of four, plate 60, cancelled with two black Scottish numerals (131 Edinburgh) Contrary to regulations
[OI-OL] strip of four, plate 68, cancelled with three black Scottish numerals (27 Ayr) Contrary to regulations
[GG-GH] pair, plate 138, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (131 Edinburgh) Contrary to regulations
[CK-CL] pair, plate 139, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (198 Killin) Contrary to Regulations
[CA-CB] plate 143, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (339 Wick) Contrary to Regulations
[FG-FH] pair, plate 167, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (280 Perth) Contrary to Regulations
[KD-KE] pair, plate 3, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (159 Glasgow) Contrary to Regulations
[PK-PL] pair, plate 157, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (280 Perth) Contrary to regulations
[CE-CF] pair, plate 4, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral Contrary to Regulations
[JE and JI] two singles, cancelled with a single blue Scottish numeral (322 Tarland)
[RA-RC] strip of three, plate 3, cancelled with two black Scottish numerals (134 Ellon) Contrary to Regulations
[FK-FL] pair, plate 3, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (1 Aberdeen) Contrary to regulations
[QL-RL] vertical pair, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (339 Wick) Contrary to Regulations
[BH=BK] strip of four, plate 4, cancelled with three black Scottish numerals (84 Crieff)
[FG-FH] pair, plate 4, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (87 Cullen) Contrary to regulations
[KA and LC] two singles, cancelled with a single blue Scottish numeral (322 Tarland)
[QL] plate 35 and [IK-IL) pair plate 3, cancelled with two black Scottish numerals (303 Sanquhar) Contrary to regulations
[GL-GK] pair (plate 108), sent from Advie to Ballindalloch, dated 17 November 1851, cancelled with a single black Scottish numeral (34 Ballindalloch) Contrary to Regulations
[GK-GL] plate 3, from Irvine to Edinburgh, dated 4 June 1850, cancelled with a single blue Scottish numeral (186 Irvine) Contrary to regulations