Great Britain - The Imperforate Issues (1840-1853)

Black Maltese Cross - Cancellation of Multiple Stamps









Plate 4 KK-KL
Plate 1 DE-DF

1d black pair (plate 4), positions KK-KL
each individually cancelled
with a black maltese cross.

2d blue pair (plate 1), positions DE-DF,
each individually cancelled
with a black maltese cross.

Plate 5 OI-PI

[OI-PI] vertical pair, in red, from Kinsale to Dublin, dated 11 June 1841,
cancelled with black Maltese crosses of Kinsale


Plate 11 Red CB-CC
Plate 25 TK-TL

1d red pair (black plate 11), positions CB-CC,
each individually cancelled
with a black maltese cross.

1d red pair (plate 25), positions TK-TL,
each individually cancelled
 with a black maltese cross.

Strips of four (or more)







Plate 9 GA-GD

[GA-GD] strip of four, cancelled with
black Maltese crosses


Plate 2 BA-BD

[BA-BD] strip of four, cancelled with
black Maltese crosses


Plate 24 EG-EJ

[EG-EJ] strip of four, cancelled with
 black Maltese crosses [e]


Plate 3 AH-AL

[AH-AL] deep full blue, strip of five, cancelled with
black Maltese crosses
(AH-AK with guide line in upper right corner)

Blocks of four (or more)







Plate 13 FE-GF
Plate 3 NK-OL

[FE-GF] block of four cancelled with
 black Maltese crosses


[NK-OL] block of four, plate 3, cancelled with
black Maltese crosses

Plate 25 EJ-GL

[EJ-JL] block of nine, cancelled with
 black Maltese crosses